Ahmet Sezgin
Head of Interior Design Department
Assist. Prof. Dr.
+ 90 212 395 3749
Ahmet Sezgin acquired his undergraduate degree from METU Faculty of Architecture in 2000. After his graduation he had professional work experience at architectural offices and the construction sites. Beginning with his professional career as an architect he also had an active role in projects of the ÇEKÜL Foundation. He had been the project coordinator of the project ‘Respect to Sinan’ (Sinan’a Saygı) that covers research on Sinan era Ottoman architecture and conversion of this research into popular publications. He got his graduate degree from World Heritage Studies at Brandenburg Technical University (BTU Cottbus) in 2006. He completed his PhD studies at Art History and Visual Studies at the University of Manchester in 2012. Pursuing his Ph.D. research, his current research interests cover architectural history, geography and their relationship with political history.
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